Final Presentation : Gays and Lesbians

Monday, February 22, 2010

Discrimination Against Women

I chose to watch this presentation because I wanted to learn more about the progression of women's rights and discrimination against them. I know that women today are still discriminated against, but I didn't necessarily know to what degree because I thought that women had made significant progress in proving to society that they are as perfectly capable as men are in working in various fields of the workforce. I think this presentation did a good job in providing an overview of the reasons of why women were so discriminated against. The chosen videos also provided more of a current view on the topic of discrimination against women. In one of the videos in the presentation, it discussed various questions that relate to women in today's society. One of the questions that was asked was, "Are women participating in different fields in the workforce?" One of the women answered saying, "No, it hasn't changed much." She then explained how women had always been involved in the workforce, just that they've been involved in the same areas, which includes education and nursing. It was kind of disappointing and a little bit surprising to hear her respond in that way because I would think that women in today's society are more involved in various fields of the workforce. The presentation mentioned that there are fewer CEO's because women choose to stay home and raise a family. I wonder why many women don't take the opportunity to become involved in other fields of workforce if they have that opportunity because many still take on that traditional stay-at-home role and choose to raise a family. One question that I have about Kimmy's "What I Think" part of the presentation was, "Why does she think that women are being less and less discriminated against?" because she wrote that she believed that women are being less and less discriminated against. I also believe that women are less discriminated against than they were back in the 90's, but at the same time, many women aren't taking full advantage of the opportunities provided for them. The reason of why I believe that is because in one of the videos in the presentation, one of the women who was answering questions stated that the number of women participating in various fields of workforce, not including education and nursing, hasn't changed that much. I think that in order for women to break out of that stereotypical role of being secondary to men, we need to become more involved and prove just how capable and intelligent we are.

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