Final Presentation : Gays and Lesbians

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Background Analytic Entry

Ever since the early twentieth century, gays and lesbians have been discriminated against by society because of their sexual orientation. Many thought homosexuality was a disease where it was something that needed to be cured. Others believed that it posed a threat to society. Whatever the reason, however, this controversial topic continues to be one that never seems to go away. In fact, it almost seems as though the topic intensifies every year because gays and lesbians are more determined now than ever to achieve equality in various areas in society. And with that determination to achieve equality, brings the role of the people. There have been, and still are many activists who fight for military or economical rights and are determined to achieve equality because there are still people and organizations existing today, like the military, that discriminate against homosexuals. Harvey Milk, for example, was one of the most well-known gay activists where he was an advocate in protecting gay rights along with many other social causes. When Milk disagreed with any political or social issue, he would take action and try to get involved. Milk decided he would run for the Board of Supervisors after he became infuriated at politicians after the Watergate scandal. Even though at first he wasn’t elected, it was from the support of his fellow followers that ultimately got him that position. And with that position, Milk created one of the strongest laws in the nation that protected homosexual rights. The law made it unlawful for any business or organization that accepted City funds, or had any City contracts, to discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation. But just like there were people fighting for marriage and military rights, there are those who were fighting against it. The government, for example, created a policy in 1993 that “silently” discriminated against gays and lesbian in the military. It was called the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. And with that policy, many capable, dedicated gay and lesbian troops have been discharged because of their sexual orientation becoming known. The government had a critical role in the gay and lesbian movement because the government acted as the barrier that prevented the gays from having equal rights. In rebellion, gay activists took part in the unforgettable Stonewall riots where they stood outside the Stonewall Inn in New York City to protest against discrimination. They protested with such pride and determination and did not surrender to the police. Because of the protestor’s willingness and determination to gain equal rights, the Stonewall riots eventually led to the creation of the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) that fought to protect gay rights. The riots had a significant role in showing others that they weren’t going to back down and they were going to keep striving to protect their rights. They wanted to prove to others that they won’t stop until they there is equality for homosexuals. And because of the willingness and pride they demonstrated during the riots, they ignited the movement towards homosexual equality. The people have the most important role of all because they are the ones who determine the future, the ones who make the final decision. They are the ones who become leaders and guide others to something that they believe improves the quality of life. The people lead the Stonewall Riots and demanded that their rights be recognized. The people were the ones who wrote the inspiring documents that contributed to the gay and lesbian movement. Without the people, there would be no documents or events. The people have the most significant role because they create change and are the only ones who can make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. This was a good response. It gave a lot of good background information on the topic. It helped people who might not know a lot about the topic to learn the necessary information needed to better understand the topic. The one thing that I think is missing is more information about the law that Harvey Milk made. You talk about the law that Milk made as one of the strongest laws against discrimination, but you didn't understand anything about the law or give any background information on it. Besides that this was filled with good information. This response would be a great help to understand the topic.
